Conduit to Career.


Recorded Masterclass. Emailed to you for downloadable keepsake.

Masterclass to align + enliven what you are here to cultivate from the cultural ‘work’ conditioning, entails honouring that which you value and thus the spiral continues, contorts + crafts everything that makes you feel fulfilled and content and your entire notion of ‘working’ is no more. As it purely becomes an expressed extension of you.

Become a Conduit to your Career. Enliven the energetics of the Blueprint as we journey through the 2nd| 6th| 10th realms — Values | Service | Career and how these wish to truly, authentically, poignantly align with your individuality.

This Masterclass weaves Astrology | Alchemy. You will receive the codes through a specialised led transmission and you are thus accountable to apply these codes to your reality to actualise the magic.

It is an incredibly powerful time to begin this in the climax of Taurus season, as we pass through the new moon. You are open to the first spiral of the 2nd House and held in the axis of Taurus | Scorpio.

What to bring/ prepare

  • Yourself, dressed in comfortable clothing allowing for breathwork

  • Create a conscious space, somewhere you can be seated for 1+ hours without disturbances.

  • Journal to capture downloads.

  • An elixir you can enjoy throughout session.

  • Spiritual paraphernalia to anchor the frequency.

  • Create/ have Zoom account ready prior to session. Aim to arrive 5 - 10 mins early to ensure you are settled with no technical glitches.

Once you have purchased this workshop, you will receive an email confirmation and invitations with preparations sent to all attendees upon morning of event.

Recording is sent to all attendees for replay.

Welcoming you to Conduit to Career.

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