Architecture of Astrology.
There are 3 essential pieces of infrastructure that create the foundation of Astrology.
Planets. Archetypes. Houses
Through Embodied Astrology School, we are taken on a journey through the threads which weave such tapestries to life.
Here you are provided the material to reflect upon as we now begin to translate a story through the individual tapestries, i.e blueprints.
The SUN is a star and the MOON is the earth’s satellite, therefore known as luminaries but in Astrology, they are commonly referred to as ‘planets’ and band together with another 8 which orbit the Sun.
The signs are twelve 30 degree areas of space that form an immovable circular band around the earth. (12 x 30 degrees = 360 degrees)
They occur in an astrological order that always remains the same. The astrological spiral begins with Aries and ends with Pisces:
The HOUSES are sections of the sky as seen from the earth’s perspective. There are 12 HOUSES simply named the 1st HOUSE to the 12th HOUSE
The houses are subject to a specific landscape on earth and are aligned with the HORIZON and the MERIDAN (the highest and lowest points). Due to this fact the houses can vary in their size, but there will always be 12.
It is important to note that the signs always occupy exactly 30 degrees of space, while the houses will occupy a different number of degrees depending on the birth location. It is like a pie cut through the centre from edge to edge 6 times creating 12 unequal pieces. The opposite piece of pie however will always be of equal size.
Astrology is GEOCENTRIC. This means the solar system is viewed from the earth’s perspective. This being the case, from the earth it seems as if all the planets including the SUN are revolving around us. Western Astrology is called ‘Tropical Astrology.’ This means that the signs of the zodiac are aligned with the earth’s four seasons | natures transcript.
The astrological chart consists of four major points called the ANGLES cutting the circle into quarters horizontally and vertically. These lines are the HORIZON and MERIDIAN. The left hand side of the horizontal line is the ASCENDENT. This represents the area of sky rising in the east. The right hand side is the DESCENDENT the area of sky setting over the west. The point at the top the chart is the MIDHEAVEN or MC (Medium Coeli) representing an area of sky directly above the specific location. The point at the base of the chart is the NADIR or IC (Imum Coeli). This point represents the area of sky directly below the specific location. The ANGLES correspond with the cusps of the 1 , 4 , 7 , and 10th Houses
ASCENDANT = 1 House Cusp
IC = 4 House Cusp
DESCENDANT = 7 House Cusp
MC = 10 House Cusp
The earth spins on its axis taking 24 hours (1 day) to complete a revolution. It is this rotation of the earth on its axis which determines which backdrop will be located on the Ascendant when we are born. The sign coming over the eastern horizon (or rising) the moment you were born is your ASCENDANT/ RISING SIGN. The ASCENDANT sign changes roughly every 2 hours (depending on location) This is because the backdrop of the EARTH’S sky changes once every day as it rotates on its axis. (2 hours x 12 signs = 24 hours). This is why the birth time is imperative. The Ascendant dictates into which area of the chart (or houses) the planets will fall.
The ANGLES are the 4 points on the chart at either side of the horizon and meridian that cut the chart from east to west and top to bottom. They represent 4 pivotal terrains of the human experience.
The ANGLES are:
The Ascendant totally encapsulates the identity and its function is very evident in everyday life. The Ascendant is the encasing of you. It is your shell or your mask. It is the body in which you are born into and how you ‘action’ it. The Ascendant is projected externally, that is why it is easy to see. It acts as a vehicle and the style in which you “do it’. The Ascendant often represents your physical appearance and the way you approach life in general. The Ascendant is superficial meaning it is often what’s presented on first meeting and is very apparent on a surface level, yet it is still a very important part of how we assert ourselves through life. The Ascendant is the funnel that leads the birth chart into life.
The MC is your position in the world at large. This includes both your contribution to the material world and your title or position as seen from a public level. It is the path you walk. What you do as a career, your approach to it as well as any recognition and titles it may bring are all found on the MC.
This is the opposition axis to the Ascendant. The Ascendants focus is on ‘the self’, the Descendants focus is on ‘the other’. The Descendant terrain is primarily based around relationship. The Descendant is reactive. Here is where you find the optimal learning you will need within others. The Descendant is what you look for in a partner, as well as your approach, behaviour and predisposition in relationships. The Descendant is close one on one interaction you may encounter including your enemies.
IC (imum coeli)
This is the opposition axis to the MC. The MC focuses on the outer world, the IC focus turns inward to your foundational self and your roots. The IC is a n incredibly subjective arena. It is tucked away at the deepest personal level, way down at within our emotional core. The IC is the family, the home, parents, heritage, tradition, our past and our early childhood experiences. It is how we are seen and behave in this environment as well as how it has influenced us. Many of our deepest emotional habits stem from the IC, the lesson being to learn and grow from them.
Houses 10 - 3
Deals with working through personal initiative
Houses 4 - 9
Deals with working from and through others
Houses 7 - 12
Deals with working externally into the outer world
Houses 1 - 6
Deals with working internally on the foundation of ‘self’
Houses 1 - 3
Deals with developing a healthy operational functioning of the self.
Houses 4 - 6
Deals with developing self expression and learns to give from the self.
Houses 7 - 9
Deals with stepping outside the identity and learns by working through others.
Houses 10 - 12
Deals with stepping outside the identity and learns by working into the world as part of ‘the whole’.
Planets - Signs - Houses
Now we will be learning the art of how to
weave the 3 threads effectively.
The three threads have very distinct roles to play
The PLANETS represent a function or drive -
they ask the question......WHAT
The SIGNS have a clear objective and essence -
they ask the questions...HOW?
The HOUSES represent a particular landscape -
they ask the question.... ...WHERE?
An example of weaving the threads into a tapestry;
A person has the SUN in LIBRA in 10th HOUSE.
The Sun’s FUNCTION is the healthy expression of our life force/the self. It seeks purpose, joy and self-expression.
Libras OBJECTIVE is to cultivate balance and harmony particularly in relationship. Either through people or the eye/subject relationship to beauty and art.
The 10th house TERRAIN is the world at large (your career or status). It is your public role, your work path.
A basic interpretation of weaving these threads;
this person’s sense of self will be fulfilled by creating relationship and balance within their career or with their position in the world at large.