The Signs have a clear objective.
The signs motivate and colour the function (WHAT) of the planet in a particular way.
The sign adds the information of how will the planet achieve its objective? On a deeper level, the sign also asks ‘why?’ is the planet motivated in such a way?
The signs represent twelve distinct phases in the evolutionary journey, none being more important than the other. We have all the signs represented in our birth charts; their energies are constant in our lives.
Each sign is exactly 30 degrees making the twelve signs equal to the 360 degree Zodiac belt. The signs are cyclic. They follow the cycle from birth to death then birth once more.
The Ram
Aries is ‘I will’
The Glyph – the head and horns of the ram.
The ram charges head on without fear.
Aries is the birth of ‘self’.
It is the ignition spark of conscious self awareness.
Aries’ objective is to obtain ‘what it wants.’ Its strategy to achieve this is through the power of ‘the will.’ Aries is totally ‘self – full’, meaning to achieve its objective it must develop the qualities of leadership and independence. Aries energy is driven by action, impulse and desire. It has a strong need for challenge and victory.
Initiating, courageous, inspiring, fearless, independent, pioneering. Aries can also be headstrong, impulsive, child-like, brash, thoughtless, angry, argumentative, self-consumed and leave projects unfinished.
The Bull
Taurus is ‘I have’
The Glyph – the face and horns of a bull.
The bull is strong, practical and virile.
Taurus is the initial awareness of ownership.
The Taurus objective is to maintain security with what it has. Taurus is very in touch with the body and nature; its home is the tangible and the material Its strategy to preserve its security is to cultivate, keeping things peaceful, stable and sustaining. Taurus languishes in the senses and the pleasures of the earth plane. It also utilizes the senses on a working and artistic level, mainly with the hands, music or voice.
Practical, simple, contented, determined, enduring, stable, reliable, generous, committed, creative, sensual, loving and peaceful. Taurus can also be stubborn, insecure, hoarders, possessive, materialistic, boring and slow to move, fearful of change.
The Twins
Gemini is ‘I think’
The Glyph – the Roman no. 2, expressing the dual nature of things, one expression being the Twins.
Gemini is the initial awareness of the mind.
The Gemini objective is to learn as much as it can through immediate perception. Its strategy is to keep the mind active and stimulated. Gemini’s brain food is information and it needs plenty of it. The duality of the Gemini nature craves variety, with communication on all levels as its prominent resource. Gemini likes to keep things rational and logical, dealing primarily with words, facts and data. It is curious, inquisitive with a keen desire to understand.
Quick, gregarious, versatile, adaptable, curious, inquisitive, sociable, they can enjoy stimulating mental light hearted activities and lighten the mood around them. Gemini can also be fickle, flighty, inattentive, scattered, superficial, lack substance, tricky and talk incessantly for the sake of it.
The Crab
Cancer is ‘I feel’
The Glyph – the claws of the crab used for holding onto things and scurrying home with them.
Cancer is the initial awareness of emotion. The child now begins to extend out from the identity. It experiences feelings of safety primarily through the mother image, the family and the home.
The Cancer objective is to maintain emotional security. Its strategy is giving and receiving from the heart to procure emotional safety. Cancer obtains this mainly through nurturing and protecting, particularly with children and animals. Cancers feelings are extremely personalized and run very deep. Cancer needs to belong; this connects it emotionally with the home environment and the past.
Sensitive, instinctive, sentimental, caring, supportive, create safe home environments. Cancer can also be defensive, moody, overly sensitive, overly protective, insecure, snappy and clingy.
The Lion
Leo is ‘I am’
The Glyph – the mane of a lion, the king of the beasts.
Leo is the initial awareness of ‘personality’ The child now extends further from the identity. It realizes it can paint, dance and make people laugh. It learns to shine.
The Leo objective is to celebrate the personality Its strategy is through creativity. Leo wants to give life to something and then leave its personal stamp of recognition. Leo finds joy in its ability to express from ‘who it is.’ Leo loves to stand out and be noticed but also requires a positive response. Leo is synonymous with the image of royalty and the performer.
Playful, creative, grand, generous, loving, natural leaders, charming, loyal. Leo can also be arrogant, bossy, vain, deluded with their own sense of grandeur, over dramatic and excessively proud.
The Virgin
Virgo is ‘I serve’
The Glyph – the virgin, symbolizing the growth and production from the earth.
Virgo is the initial awareness of ‘being of use’. The person now extends further from the identity. Virgo has learned skills and honed talents and now must give of them. Virgo must go to ‘work’.
The Virgo objective is to perfect the self through what it does. Virgo must keep busy and be useful. Virgo now abandons the personality and ‘becomes’ its craft. Its strategy requires ritual, organization and humility but to ‘perfect’ Virgo requires acute attention to detail. Virgo is both the mentor and apprentice. Its workspace is the earth plane with a strong emphasis on trades, health and the body.
Helpful service, analytical, hardworking, healing, selfless, refined, discriminating, ordered, precise, methodical, thoughtful. Virgo can also be too fastidious, critical, obsessive, workaholics, myopic, body and health obsessed, too structured with routines.
The Scales
Libra is ‘I harmonise’
The Glyph – the scales of balance and contrast, of being able to objectify and find justice.
Libra is the initial awareness of ‘duality’ The person now steps outside the identity and notices ‘someone else’ Libra sees both ends of the scales and a mirror for the very first time. Libra requires mental balance.
Libras objective is to equalize opposites and maintain peace To sustain this state of thinking Libras strategy requires harmony. This is found mainly in the form of personal relationships. Libra harmonizes by bringing two minds together in a peaceful union. Libra extends this need for balance by using the ‘mind to form’ connection with the creation of art and beauty.
Fair, just, balanced, compromising, co-operative, diplomatic, calm, serene, graceful, polite. Libra can also be indecisive, uncommitted, co-dependent, vain, impractical, superficial, manipulative, lazy and indulgent, insincere.
The Scorpion
Scorpio is ‘I transform’
The Glyph – the sting in the tail of the scorpion, the penetrator.
Scorpio is the awareness of ‘merging with another’ The person is now totally outside the identity to become ‘one with the other’
The Scorpio objective is to attain ultimate trust and safety with merging identities. To obtain this, the ego must die so a more powerful person can be reborn. Scorpio is metamorphosis. It demands profound change. It requires the loosening of ego control to lay vulnerable inside someone else. Scorpios strategy is to live with emotional intensity, to open to passion and be able to penetrate psychological depths. Scorpio work always involves other people and Scorpio must feel the depths of their connected psyches to purge.
Powerful, sensitive, intuitive, secretive, healing, passionate, transformative, focused, perceptive, penetrating, investigative. Scorpio can also be manipulative, jealous, vindictive, possessive, vengeful, controlling, too intense, compulsive and destructive.
The Archer
Sagittarius is ‘I believe’
The Glyph – the arrow of the archer/centaur aspiring to new territory beyond the horizon.
Sagittarius is the awareness of the ‘faith’ The person is totally outside of both identities and begins a search for understanding.
The Sagittarius objective is to learn ‘the meaning of life’ For Sagittarius this is a lofty goal yet the prize is not in the outcome but in the quest. It must now begin a journey of discovery, broadening the mind to new thought forms, viewpoints and cultures. Sagittarius wants an opinion. The Sagittarius strategy is to live with an adventurous mind. It seeks faith, something to believe in and will go to great lengths to find it. Travel, higher education and philosophy are perfect ways to satisfy the Sagittarius mind.
Expansive, optimistic, forthright, honest, adventurous, opinionated, confident, wise, ethical, full of faith, can see the bigger picture. Sagittarius can also be too opinionated, tactless, dogmatic, judgmental, argumentative, extravagant, exaggerate things, live off blind faith, and offer more than they can realistically deliver.
The Goat
Capricorn is ‘I master’
The Glyph – the head and horns of a goat, steadfastly climbing the mountains step by step .
Capricorn is the awareness of responsibility The person is now finds purpose through contribution to the world.
Capricorn is the builder and achiever in the world of structure and form. It is ambitious, hard working and diligent. The Capricorn objective is to maintain integrity and mastery with achieving its goals. Capricorns strategy requires patience, endurance and self discipline. Capricorn is stoical and consistent. Who Capricorn is internally is now reflected outward onto its position in the world.
Solid, reliable, real, mature, dependable, practical, committed, structured, ambitious, responsible, respectable, self reliant, good with authority. Capricorn can also be too cautious, authoritarian, restrictive, controlling, demanding, limiting, stiff, unemotional and serious.
The Water Bearer
Aquarius is ‘I envision’
The Glyph – the water bearer, actually refers to the waters of cosmic consciousness, like the waves of electricity, it is the energy that permeates and connects everything.
Aquarius is the awareness of freedom. The person is now totally outside the ego and joins minds for ‘the common cause’.
The Aquarius objective is ‘to evolve’. Aquarius is inventive and innovative, pushing the boundaries of the status quo to change and evolve toward a better future. Aquarius understands 'collective consciousnesses’ the power of the joint mind. It gives up personal ego to become a spoke in a wheel for the world.
The Aquarian strategy is to go against the grain, be unique, revolutionary and original. Aquarius is true to its individuality and its freedom of thought
Innovative, inventive, different, radical, eclectic, quick, intelligent, objective, free spirited, quirky, humanitarian, reformer, the genius. Aquarius can also be cold and detached, erratic, unreliable, unpredictable, disruptive, frustrated, rebellious, inconsistent or overly eccentric.
The Fishes
Pisces is ‘I dream’
The Glyph – 2 fish bound together swimming in opposite directions, the material and the spiritual dissolving back into the infinite waters of life. Yin and yang, finite and infinite, all dissolves back to nothing and everything. The person is now totally outside the ego and merges with life Pisces is the death of ‘the self’ and the process of dissolution. For Pisces there is no division. The boundaries between the real and unreal are blurred and all things become one.
The Pisces objective is to obtain ‘spiritual peace’.
Its strategy is in letting go of ego control sensing its journey from a realm beyond the earth plane. Pisces connects to a place that some may call ‘spirit’ or ‘the universe’.
Pisces is highly sensitized. Its feelings are deep and intuitive, leaving it vulnerable to all vibration. Pisces is open to fantasy and inspiration and linked to great works of art and breakthroughs in healing. The liquid energy of Pisces will often pick up the stronger vibrations in the chart to form its identity.
Spiritual, inspirational, intuitive, psychic, visionary, compassionate, caring, sensitive, dreamy. Pisces can also be out of touch with reality, have no boundaries, impractical, confused, unreliable, deluded, addictive, vague, daydreamers, paranoid, deceitful, ungrounded, victims and martyrs.